MGMA Washington Connection 10/20/2022

10/20/2022 10:38 AM | Rebekah Francis (Administrator)

COVID-19 public health emergency renewed

 The COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) was renewed again, effective Oct. 13, 2022. This renewal extends the PHE through mid-January 2023 and has implications for Medicare telehealth, COVID-19 testing, and other waivers. The U.S. Department for Health and Human Services has reiterated its promise to give a 60 days’ notice before letting the PHE expire.

To understand what waivers will expire upon the eventual conclusion of the PHE, review MGMA’s Flexibilities and Policy Following the Expiration of the COVID-19 PHE member-exclusive resource.  

Join in #MGMAAdvocacy to prevent Medicare payment cuts

 With just over two months left in 2022, MGMA needs your help urging Congress to take action to avert significant Medicare payment cuts set to take effect in 2023. Send a letter to your members of Congress today encouraging the passage of legislation to avert the 4.5% reduction to the Medicare conversion factor, waive the statutory 4% Pay-As-You-Go sequester, and provide an inflationary update based on the Medicare Economic Index. MGMA Government Affairs’ latest report on Medicare cuts showcases what medical groups around the country have to say about these proposed payment cuts, including how they would significantly disrupt patient access to care, practice operations, and overall investment throughout the healthcare industry.

The time to act is now! Join in #MGMAAdvocacy today by sending a letter to your members of Congress urging for the swift passage of legislation to avert these significant payment cuts!

Available now: MGMA's '22 Annual Regulatory Burden Report

 Last week, the MGMA Government Affairs team released its 2022 Annual Regulatory Burden Report. With responses from over 500 medical group practices, the survey findings demonstrate the impact that increasing regulatory burden has on practices. An overwhelming majority (89%) of respondents reported that the overall regulatory burden on their medical practice has increased over the past 12 months. And an even greater number of respondents (97%) agreed a reduction in regulatory burden would allow their practice to reallocate resources toward patient care.

Thank you again to all of our members who participated in this survey! For more information about how to engage in current advocacy efforts, please visit the MGMA Advocacy webpage.


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