The demands on management in all ambulatory care settings—group practices, hospitals and clinics of all kinds—have and continue to change dramatically. Traditional management approaches are being tested and the field is being propelled forward faster than many would like to acknowledge. The environment within which the ambulatory care administrator and physician now function presents an incredible array of complexities and challenges. At the same time the rewards, the excitement and the opportunities are also dramatically increasing. Clinic managers and physicians must increase their knowledge, broaden their perspectives and develop new skills in this environment.

The Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) is the national professional association for medical group managers and physicians engaged in medical group administration. This national organization has over 15,000 members representing over 6,000 medical groups. Through ongoing educational programs and consultative services, the MGMA is making a substantial contribution to improve the management expertise of their members.

The Medical Group Management Association is represented at the state level through the Tennessee Medical Group Management Association (TMGMA). Nine medical group managers desiring to share common experiences and gain additional knowledge of state and federal programs impacting their respective practices formed the state organization on February 19, 1972 in Nashville, Tennessee. The TMGMA has grown to include approximately 350 members and has its annual meeting in the spring each year.

Want more information? Contact Rebekah Francis


To develop and equip our members to create dynamic, successful medical group practices.


To be the recognized leader in defining and supporting the profession of medical practice management in Tennessee.


PO Box 380963
Birmingham, AL 35238


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